Tuesday, January 29, 2008

You Got That Right

I am a Barnes & Noble freeloader.

I have not purchased a book in quite some time; between my wife and I one of our ideas of a date is to go to a Borders or a Barnes & Noble, grab some reading material, buy a coffee and kill some time. Technically I am not a freeloader as I do purchase a beverage and periodically purchase magazines such as the Boundary Waters Journal (Horrible web site, great magazine). I also buy my notebooks there.

This hit and run approach to reading means that I get books in short concentrated doses. My latest is "Paradise Below Zero" by Calvin Rutstrum. Although he is not quite as engaging as Sigurd Olson his writing is nevertheless food for the souls of people like me and a wonderful discovery. I hope to get a review of this book written eventually, and to continue on to some of his other titles.

Anyway in my reading last night I encountered a quote that really struck a chord in me, that Rutstrum attributed to Henry David Thoreau:

"No one but a fool ever sold more of his time than he had to."

Right on, man.


  1. I'll take the 'fifth' on B&N freeloading. Nice blog. Have you discovered Michael Perry from New Auburn, WI? "Population 485" and "Truck" are both excellent. Fleeting ice fishing references in the latter.

  2. Hi Dave and thanks for stopping by. I found your blog when researching the redneck rampage incident and added you to my list. You make it up to the big lake a lot more often than I do so I appreciate the opportunity to see Superior's many faces vicariously if no other way!

    I have not read any of Michael Perry's work but will be sure to check it out. Is he found in what these bookstores call the "Regional" section?
