Wednesday, December 28, 2005


As seen on
Link to the story here


  1. whoops! is right....

    i took the day off yesterday to go ice fishing with some friends. we went bowling instead. just can't trust the ice right now, and i especially didn't like how with all the slush you wouldn't even be able to see what you were walking on.

  2. I want to go pretty bad myself, but I cannot think of any December in recent history that I ventured on to the ice in even a small car, much less a pickup truck.

    I remember one year being out on about 5 inches of ice (on foot, of course). The ice was still so flexible that it sagged under you and water would actually come up out of the hole. Every pop and crack of the ice gets your attention when it's that thin, that's for sure.

    I don't even know what to say about these knuckleheads taking their cars out on the ice this early. It happens every friggin' year and people keep doing it.
