Thursday, April 7, 2005

Slow Climb

Resting Pulse: 68 bpm

I noticed an improvement last night. I still had to walk when my heart reached trip hammer status, but what I noticed was that the acceleration from resting to trip hammer was more gradual. My legs are still sensitive to the trauma when I run, so I am still using the fast/slow cycle that I described a couple of days ago. That seems to have paid off as well, as overall my legs feel pretty decent today.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Uneven Tire Wear

Resting Pulse: 70 bpm

I was lazy last night, didn't do my sit ups. Tonight I will run again.

I have been studying up on the wear of my shoes and see that I am an underpronator.

According to what I have read, how your feet feel and how you walk on them has a lot to do with how the rest of you feels. I am going to set up a meeting with a podiatrist and have my feet looked at.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Stop & Slow

Resting pulse: 70 bpm

Things are still coming slowly. I have slow down to walk during my runs and my shins are sore the next day. I have reverted back to a strategy that got me through 7th grade cross Country- I pick a landmark and run until I reach it. Then I pick out another landmark and continue walking until I reach it and then start running again and repeat the cycle. It's probably not a pretty sight but what it does allow me to do is keep moving and keep my heart rate up there without bursting the sucker out of my chest. Also it allows me to exceed my comfort level with my legs slowly instead of one big cataclysmic sprint which ends in me vowing to never try this again.

Until I get into better shape I'll just have to stick with it and do what I can.

Monday, April 4, 2005

Beat counts

Resting pulse: 72 bpm

I have taken to checking my pulse in the morning at work. I didn't run last night but will tonight. Also now that I don't spend the next day feeling like I was kicked in the ribs, I am also going to increase my situp count.