Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Two more days

The guy's annual fall trip is set. We met this past Sunday and poured over a map of Superior National Forest and picked our spot. Meals were planned, to-do lists were created.

The plan is to be at our campground by early afternoon. We are bringing a canoe and some rods to try to coax some walleye out of the lake. The shotguns are coming with too, for self-defense against any ruffed grouse that we may stumble across. Guitars will be packed for doing the cowboy thing around the fire at night. I am looking forward to seeing the stars without the interference of city lights. I am praying for some good northern lights. I cannot wait to breathe some air that hasn't been breathed before.

We meet at my house early Friday morning and leave from there.
Somehow I don't think waking up will be a problem like it is on a regular work day.


  1. that sounds like a great time... i think i'm going to try something similar yet this fall. hope you'll post a report upon your return... if you wouldn't mind, could you let me know where you're camping??

    the DOT dharma DOT bum AT gmail DOT com

    :) thanks!

  2. We are camping at a little lake not too far off the Sawbill trail.

    Geez! So what's my friggin problem, anyway? I wrote that first sentence and stared at it for a few seconds. The campground is unlikely to be taken this weekend, especially if we show up early afternoon on Friday. I am neither routinely pursued by the paparazzi nor do I honestly believe that someone will somehow find out where I'm going and beat me to my spot.

    So why a secret? Maybe just irrational superstition - If I name the lake ahead of time and I subsequently see a bunch of Minnesota Vikings engaged in canoe sex this weekend I will blame myself, and I will NOT be the victim here, OK?

    Maybe this is more like it - I like to think that every body of water harbors a secret; I think that is what makes travelling by canoe such a romanticized mode of travel. You get to know the lake and it's secrets in a much more intimate fashion than you would trucking along in a runabout at 40 mph.

    I think that I used the words Romantic and Intimate because that is exactly why I have such a protective response about naming the lake. Think of this lake as that mysterious girlfriend that your friend doesn't tell you about until he's either engaged to her or he's figured out what a kook she is.

    I don't know... Maybe I'm the kook. I'll be happy to include the name of my top-secret lake in my report after I return.

  3. terry, no worries. i felt kind of strange asking in the first place. being a fly fisherman, i know the importance of the secret honey hole, the private lake or stream, all too well. hope you have a great time, i'm looking forward to do some exploring myself up in those parts and if i do, i might just share where i end up. or i might not.
