Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ice Fishing Glossary

This is a work in progress.

Please feel free to offer suggestions via the comments area at the bottom of this page.
(Updated 03/18/2008)


4WH Report
Who, What Where, When and How. Who went fishing, what they caught, When the action took place, where they went and how they presented.
See Also: The Law of Diminishing Returns


As good as skunked
No fish worth keeping.(See Also: Keeper)


Bad Hand
Eveleth / Ely Lake colloquialism - in a fish house, a condition that occurs when a fisherman finishes his Hamms, puts down the can, and is left with an empty hand.

e.g., "Hey, I gotta bad hand over here!"

Bait Rape
When a fish takes your bait while avoiding the hook.

Bombing Run
Going in to town either for a drink or to purchase off sale liquor for later consumption.

Butt F'N Cold!
When it's so cold that a freshly cleared hole ices over in about 10 seconds - it can only be considered that cold when a person is angling without a shelter.

e.g., "It's not just cold, it's butt f'n cold!"


Three people crammed into a two person house.


Dead sea, The
Lake Mille Lacs
in central Minnesota


"Eel Pout, Eel Pout, Eel Pout!"
A chant issued by a competitive ice fisherman with the intent of magically transforming the large fish on his partner's line into a lowly Burbot. It works (Much to the recipient's chagrin) - approximately 25 percent of the time.

Extreme Old School
No shelter, no electronics, Hand Auger


Free Range Maggot
A waxworm or eurolarvae that is dropped in favor of a bite on your second line. Said creature is then free to crawl away from wherever it landed.

Free Range Minnow
A minnow that becomes unhooked while landing a fish. Still alive, the crippled fish swims in confused circles in the hole until either it is retrieved, finds its way down the hole or succumbs to its injuries.


George Jetson
Someone obsessed with the latest electronics and gizmos. The opposite of an old-schooler.


Old School Angling in subzero (Butt F'N Cold!)temperatures.

Harvey Wallbanger
Any loud drunk capable of shamelessly approaching a stranger's portable shelter and engaging in a semicoherant conversation with the startled occupants inside.

Hole Hypnosis
A trance-like condition induced by staring down a hole drilled into the ice, while ingesting moderate to severe amounts of carbon monoxide. Accute cases involve abrupt loss of depth perception, especially when uninterrupted attention is focused on a bobber or stike indicator in excess of 45 minutes.



Jaques Cousteau
A person who owns an underwater camera.


Any fish capable of providing fillets larger than a vandekamps fish stick.


Law of Diminishing Returns, The
Close friends or relatives have approximately a 50% chance of receiving an accurate 4WH Report. Strangers have virtually no chance.


Making Ice
The popping and cracking of lake ice caused by expansion and contraction. Typically occurs at night or on extremely (Hardcore) cold days.
(i.e., "Boy, she's really makin' ice today!")



Old School
No Shelter, No Electronics
See Also: Extreme Old School


Pogey Bait
Snack Food

Prairie Dogging
A condition associated with making it off the lake minutes or seconds prior to an imminent bowel movement.




No Fish (See also: As good as skunked)

Antique Swedish style cutting device (Not an auger proper) featuring an offset shaft tipped with a cup shaped bore.

Common name for a large heavy ice chisel used for starting or creating ice holes. Also used to describe the person operating said chisel when they a) start chiseling the ice with 20 or 30 feet of your shelter or b) operate it during the morning or evening bite or other prime fishing hours.

Steve McQueen
Any lake ice motorist who travels in excess of 30 MPH with little or no regard to the proximity of other anglers or property.


Territory Marker
Those patches of 'Yellow Snow' you see out on the lake.







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  1. Here a couple more from my ice fishing experiences. Sorry if this looks funny, your comment sections tends to not like my Word pastings. I'm also sorry (but less so) if any of these are inappropriate.

    Butt F...N Cold! - when it's so cold that a freshly cleared hole ices over in about 10 seconds - it can only be considered that cold when a person is angling without a shelter. "It's not just cold, it's butt f'n cold!"

    "Eel Pout, Eel Pout, Eel Pout!" A chant issued by a competitive ice fisherman with the intent of magically transforming the large fish on his partner's line into a lowly Burbot. It works on my brother - much to his chagrin - a good 25 percent of the time.

    Spud - although a common name for an ice chisel, it is used to describe the person operating said chisel when they a) start chiseling the ice with 20 or 30 feet of your shelter or b) operate it during the morning or evening bite or other prime fishing hours.

    Bad Hand - Eveleth / Ely Lake colloquialism - in a fish house, a condition that occurs when a fisherman finishes his Hamms, puts down the can, and is left with an empty hand. "Hey, I gotta bad hand over here!"

    Bait Rape - when a fish takes your bait while avoiding the hook.

    There are several more, but I'm out of time. Great post, Terry!

  2. Great additions, Eric! I actually had the first part of Spud already written down so I 'merged' our definitions because I liked the second part of yours so much.

    Please keep them coming as you think of them!

    Added 03/18/2008:

    As good as skunked
    Bad Hand
    Bait Rape
    Butt F'N Cold!
    Dead Sea, The
    "Eel Pout, Eel Pout, Eel Pout!"
